I also got my new baby, a Fuji Finepix. I bought extra batteries, and cleared my memory card to prepare for playing with this new toy. Even though I really don't know what all the settings are yet, I'm pretty pleased with the photos so far. I thought I would share a few with you today.
{do you realize how hard it is to photograph blinking lights and actually get them while they are on?}
The creator of the display, Andy Childers, is a nice guy and a cancer survivor. He is asking people to donate to the Red Cross to help others in need. Isn't that a wonderful use of his talents?
There is a link to view the lights online, but it is so much better in person! The video is only able to capture a portion of the lights because they are strung out across two yards. If you live close by, you should come see the lights and donate to the cause. You can email Andy at this site as well:
Next, I wanted to share our tree. It's not spectacular, and the lights don't blink or anything... but all the ornaments have meaning. Each year we buy an ornament for our 3 children and we have so many now that the tree is almost impossible to decorate! There are very few bare spots left.

This is one of my favorite shots. It's one of my daughter's ornaments.
Isn't that cool? I'm loving the season and my new baby. I can see many scrapbook pages on the horizon. Speaking of which, I finally finished a layout of our October trip to The Lady and Sons restaurant - you know, Paula Deen's!!! It took me forever to figure out how to make the title, but I eventually figured it out. I'll try to get a photo today and share it with you in the next post {hopefully tomorrow}.
Congratulations! I was excited for you when I heard you were expecting a new baby ;} So glad he(she) arrived safely. I am sure that we are all looking forward to you sharing photos. These are beautiful. That Andy Childers is amazing too.
Yes, thank goodness this baby will sleep at night! lol!!
Your tree is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and looking forward to your scrapbook pages.
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