Ok - I'll be the first to admit it. We have too many cats! They are so cute ... and they love to catch mice {which is excellent}, but we just have too many of them. At the current time, I think there are 7 cats. Some days I only see 6 of them, however, all but two look identical, so it's hard to tell unless they are all together in one place. Which happens to be when food is present, hence the lovely photos.
These cats do the funniest thing - they run around on our roof at night. It's hilarious. We're in the den, it's dark outstide and then we hear this pounding on the roof. Cats! Running everywhere. They must climb up there and play chase, or maybe it's flashlight tag. I've never had cats to do this, but these do it almost every night! My dd said if she were a cat, she'd be up on the roof running around too! It does sound like they are having a good time.
happy stampin'
ps - our neighbors probably hate us.
Susan, Your cat post made me laugh. I have 11 cats. And yes, they play on the roof. Believe me they can always tell you when it is feeding time. That all start to call and knock on the door. They bang the screen until I come out with their individual bowls. Three of our cats are over 16 years old. Then we have them down to about age 2. We only brought home 2 of them, the others have eigher been abandoned or just dropped off. We have three neighbors move this past 2 years and they left their kitties behind. I have taken them all down to be altered then turned them back loose. I have about 15 than I feed on a regular basis. Two are strictly indoor cats. three are indoor/outdoor and the others are all outdoor kitties. I also have two dogs. Yes, I am crazy. I just don't have the heart to have them put to sleep. I have over the years found homes for over 20 kitties and 14 dogs.
I always appreciate people who have a soft heart for cats and dogs. They look adorable.
Now this is my kind of family!
I love it!!
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