Two years ago
{wow} my stampers made Christmas cards using a Simply
Scrappin' kit. We were able to make
60 cards from
one kit and a pack of assorted
cardstock! Amazing! While that kit has since retired, there are some awesome kits and designer papers that will make beautiful cards this holiday season.
These particular cards are very simple, minimal stamping, some ribbon and stickers. Since we were making 60 cards in one sitting, there wasn't time for adding a lot of
bling and special techniques. However, it is an impressive way to get a lot of cards finished and ready to mail! And, may I add ... what a fun girlfriend party that could be ... making cards, snacking and playing holiday music all afternoon ...

all images ©SU! 1990-2007

I hope to seriously start working on my cards this weekend. I've decided to use
Dashing Designer Paper because I love the bold dots, and the colors are perfect for Christmas. And ... since Designer papers are on
sale during the month of November, I can order plenty of paper for my cards!!! Hopefully I will get enough work done over the weekend that I can share some of my Christmas cards here on the blog Monday.
The other news around home is that my oldest son is flying up to DC today to visit with my sister and brother in law. He is going to see Neil Young in concert tonight and is so psyched about it. Neil is his number 1 pick to see in concert.
The bad news is that my sister won't be able to go to the concert with them. She was involved in a car accident yesterday and while she is
ok, she is very sore and bruised. She is going to stay home and rest while they rock with Neil. Saturday they have a trip planned to the
Annie Leibovitz exhibit - awesome, and the perfect accompaniment to a Neil Young concert, don't you think?
My son will fly back in on Sunday - short trip, but so worth it! Please pray for safe travel - the weather is going to be great - but mom still worries a bit, that's
ok, right?