In the photo above, please take careful notice of the card. It's just under the flowers. He's so sweet, flowers, chocolate and a card! Ummm ... but there's something else you must know --- look at the card again - see how it's just white? Makes you wonder just a bit, doesn't it?
Well ... wonder no more. Here is a closer look at my romantic valentine index card! Yep, he wrote on an index card. hahaha.
Here is the conversation:
me: Hey - how nice, chocolate, flowers and a card!
him: thanks.
me: wait, is this an index card?
him: I bet you didn't know I make cards too.
me: Nope, I didn't.
him: Well, everyone's got to start somewhere!
So funny ... he's definietly a keeper! I think I'll tag this blog post as "gift ideas."
happy stampin'
Susan how cute! Flowers, candy and a home made card!!!
too funny! and yes...he's a keeper =)
my husband gave me money to buy my own card! he got embarrassed when my daughter and then my son's girlfriend volunteered to go get me a card/gift.
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