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It's that time of year again -- yeaa! I love Sell-a-Bration time. It doesn't get much better than free stamps! Call me if you'd like to order outside of stamp club meetings. And, if you'd like to know more about stamp club, drop me an email too. We still have room in our clubs.
What are your New Year resolutions? For a while I quit making resolutions because it seemed that I was always failing. There's nothing so discouraging as setting yourself up for failure, right? I would always go for the more traditional {and superficial} type of resolutions like, lose 25 pounds, exercise more, save money, eat healthy ... etc ... never a good idea for me because I never was able to live up to the lofty goals I set. By March I was so disgusted with myself that I just gave up making resolutions at all.
Then a year or so ago I realized that my goals could be more personal and uplifting. Be more creative, be kinder, volunteer, and so on. So this year I am going to set a goal for myself. And really, it will be a difficult one in many ways. It is so ingrained in my personality to say "yes". Yes, sure I'll help you. Yes, I'd be glad to come over. Yes, sure I can. You get the idea. So, for 2007, my goal is to re prioritize my priorities! Here is the entry from, American Heritage edition:
To put things in order of importance:
"Everyone should take time to be alone,
to prioritize and meditate" (Art Linkletter).
I need to learn to always keep the most important things first and foremost in my plans. This sounds so simple -- common sense even. But I must confess, it is my real weakness. I tend to do for others outside of my family before I do for the ones that I am really supposed to be nurturing, helping, and supporting.
My mind thinks there is more time available than is actually there. I find myself always thinking I can do that later, or they will understand, or even the most dreadful one of all: I made a promise! In 2007, I am making a promise only to myself and my family:
I will be here.
I will be what I should be in your lives.
And anything else that I have time for will be a wonderful, lovely, enjoyable bonus! And, I'm not saying that I won't have time for creativity ... because that is who I am, it is an integral part of me. If I'm not creative, I'm not being true to myself, or my family.
I really want to say thanks again for everyone who has had my mom on your heart. She is really doing well with this last surgery. The next few months will still be difficult for her, fatigue, tests, treatments, etc. But I am so encouraged with the strength she is displaying the last several days.
Send me your New Year resolutions. I want to hear them ... maybe I will find another one to add to my list. Or, hopefully, we can encourage each other to be what we need to be and keep our best resolutions alive!
Happy Stampin'
I *love* your resolution!
I've posted my 10 stampin' resolutions on my blog (if you want to check it out) but my main one is very similar to yours... to just be PRESENT with those in my life. If I'm playing with my kids, then that's where my head is -- not off and worrying about what's for dinner or did I get my swap out on time. If I'm stamping, then that's it too... be in the moment, tapped into my creativity, and not wondering if I have phone calls to return.
May 2007 be a wonderful one for you & yours!!!
hugs from Canada
I am glad your mom is doing well.
I have some very specific resolutions like, learn and try at least one new technique each month, do one load of laundry each day instead of letting it pile up, etc. I also have more broad goals for the new year like spend time each day at play with my girls, completely; take time each day to count my blessings no matter how small they may seem.
I wish you a very blessed new year!
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