Thursday, November 30, 2006
City of David - Wow!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
two quick cards today

Good morning everyone! I'm posting two quick cards today ... it's going to be one of those very busy days! The first card uses the Merry stamp set - quick and cute - and I love the non-traditional colors! Did you notice the clear button tied on with ribbons?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Snow Flurries! Not in our neck of the woods ... it's staying in the mid-60's all this week. But we can pretend by making cards with snow flakes on them. Just for fun here is a website with photographs of real snow crystals, taken with an electron microscope camera.
Monday, November 27, 2006
continuing w/ our Christmas ideas ...
all images SU! © 1995-2006

Now back to Christmas! I'll continue to post ideas for the holidays for the next week or so. The idea above, using Cold Play and Bold Snowflakes wheel, works for a photo card or scrapbook page.
If you haven't started making Christmas cards yet, you still have time. In one day you can knock out a dozen or more cards. Why not have a card party? Invite over a few good friends, have each bring a snack and you serve hot chocolate! Everyone works on their cards and has plenty of chocolate and girl time. Mission accomplished! I'd be there in a minute!
This card uses Sketch It - one of the most versatile stamp sets in the SU! catalog. It is truly a year-round stamp set. The stamp works for a wreath, or a flower ...
all images SU! © 1995-2006
This final card is simple, simple, simple. Just cut 2 triangles from patterned paper to make the trees, a few cardstock strips, hemp, eyelets and a stamped greeting -- ta da! You're done.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

This year was the first time we've hosted the official meal. That meant a lot of cleaning and painting (refer to post below), but it was great to think of 2006 as the first year of a tradition for our family. We've always gone to the grandparent's homes for Thanksgiving, but now it is our turn. And, I began thinking of the years ahead when our kids will be coming home w/ their families ... and well, it makes me a bit sentimental, yet proud. I am glad to begin this tradition w/ my children -- it is a passing of the torch from one generation to the next. And, one day, it will be my children's turn to host the holiday meals at their homes. sniff ...
Here are a few pictures of the day ... actually, I almost forgot to take any pictures so you will not see the star of the show, Mr. Tom Turkey. And, oh how I wish I had gotten a photo of the pumpkin celebration cake cousin Stacey made. Wow, was it gorgeous and delicious!

playing tag in the front yard ... running off all those calories?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
new paint

New paint makes anything look nice! My husband is such a dear to paint for me ... I hate to paint. Since I really wanted the painting finished before Thanksgiving, he has been spending his weekends painting rooms for me. The most drastic change was in our dinning room. I'll show you the before/during/after photos. {just a side note ... if you click on the photo above you can see my little 13 year old couch potato watching tv as daddy paints away, lol!}

The room was sponge painted w/ a stenciled border -- loved it when I first did it, but am so tired of it now -- I wanted a big change, and so, my daughter and I picked out a lovely beige paint. Now, if you really know me ... you know that I don't have any beige walls in my house! Seriously, beige was my last color choice ... until I saw the chestnut glaze ...

Wow - what a change it is! I really love it, but when I was first putting on the glaze ... it scared me! I worried that I had made a terrible mistake. Brown? What was I thinking?? But it turned out nice. Take a look and let me know what you think:
Finally, as a fun touch I altered a M monogram {for our last name} from Hobby Lobby to coordinate with and help decorate our freshly painted walls. I used designer papers, hodgepodge hardware, twill, ribbon, and inks from Stampin' Up! to complete the project.
The rest of the painting was just a fresh coat for the walls in our front room and the bathroom trim. No color changes there, so I'll spare you any photos. It's really unspectacular {is that a word?}.
Solemn Stillness

Time for stillness and reflection after such a busy holiday weekend. We had a great Thanksgiving at our house {for the very first time}. In all we had 14 people and it was great talking over lunch, watching football, and spending time with relatives we don't see that often except in passing.
I know some of you spent many hours shopping for great holiday gifts during the tax free weekend. Sorry to say, I didn't score anything! Of course, it's hard to find a bargain when I'm sitting in my favorite comfy chair ... my husband calls it my "nest". I did get some cleaning done, and went through some old magazines. I really wanted to do some scrapbooking, but it wasn't to be! I was able to make 11 more Christmas cards, so I think I'm almost done! Now I have to find my list and check it twice!
Happy Stampin' ...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
City of David

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Peaceful Christmas

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Festive Holidays

Friday, November 17, 2006
Today is Tag Day! Everyone needs tags for Christmas gifts, right? So, here are a few tag ideas that are simple, easy and quick to make. I apologize for the poor quality of this picture. I think I scanned it last year just before a stamp club meeting. The Santa is on an Altoid tin container, and all the smaller tags fit inside. Some are glittered, som open like a small gift card, while others are just a plain tag. Add a ribbon and you're done!

all images SU! © 1995-2006
This mug is from Dollar Tree. Perfect for use with my favorite Snowflakes stamp set. I made the coordinating tag, pen and mini composition book as a gift. Great for teachers!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A Merry Little Christmas to you
I couldn't make up my mind this morning on just one card, so I decided to post them all!
- The top card, A Merry Little Christmas, is colored with watercolor crayons for a beautiful scene. Did you notice how the back of the little boy's head sticks out slightly over the mat? That is a small detail that really adds interest.
- Happiest of Holidays is next w/ red berries punched out of the stamped image allowing the red cardstock underneath to show through - a very neat idea for layering ... and much easier than punching and gluing on the tiny dots!
- The last card, made with It's Snow Time, has snowballs made from pom-poms - adorable! You could also use Liquid Applique for the snowballs if you have any left over from last year.
As you are making your holiday cards, email a picture to me and I will post them here. I'd love to see what you are doing for the holidays - and if you have taken any ideas from these posts and made them your own!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tags so Much!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today is a 2'fer ... two cards for one day, lol!! Ok, so I'm not very funny ... but hey, at least you get an extra card today!
The first card is made with the set Heavenly Peace. Wonderful set, perfect for Christmas. The second card uses the ever-famous Snowflakes set plus Merry Messages. Nice. I am surprised by how much I like the non-traditional colors of the brown cards as well. Very classic, yet understated.
I hope you are enjoying all the cards. It's been a nice challenge for me to find a card for every day. Those of you who know me, know I am not organized in any way ... so to be consistent is really challenging!
Monday, November 13, 2006
I think that I shall never see
... a poem as lovely as a tree. That's the poem that comes to mind when I look at this card. This is a definite WOW card in my book. Monochromatic w/ just the right touch of shimmer! Lovely is true! I may have found the card to make for the remainder of my Christmas stack.
Remember, you can email me a request for a holiday stamp set and I will do my best to find some examples for you. Use what you already have at home ... then you can buy more after the holidays during SAB!!
happy stampin'
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Heavenly Peace to You

SU demo Wendy Stewart graciously gave permission to post these cards on my blog. She has done a beautiful job coloring each card, and I was WOW'ed by them as soon as I saw them. Notice that two of the cards are pocket cards ... nice! Wendy has a website too ... visit her at http://weastewart.ca/ to see more of her beautiful creations.
Personal update: My mother is home, and enjoying it. She's still in pain, but so glad to be in her own home and living on her own schedule again. Thank you for all the prayers, and keep 'em coming. She is still using a walker and not as spry as before her fall. She also has another surgery ahead on her thyroid. Hugs to everyone who has been praying!!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Stamps and Papers and Embossing, Oh My!

Friday, November 10, 2006
Solemn Stillness
Solemn Stillness is a beautiful set that can be used in many different ways. I love the effect of multiple trees on the bottom of this card.
In other news: Stamp Club meets tonight ... don't miss out!
See you : )
Thursday, November 09, 2006
More Christmas : )

Peace, Love & Hope to you
Peace, Hope and Love -- isn't that a wonderful sentiment to send with your Christmas wishes? And, I love the blue, so ... peaceful!
Happy Stampin' today!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Festive Favorites
I love this reindeer tag! It is the finishing touch on this holiday card, don't you think?
The set used is Festive Favorites and the sentiment is from Sincere Salutations. Adorable ... and festive!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Joy Wreath
Guess what stamps make this wreath?? Snowflakes! Did you guess correctly?Isn't that a cool way to use a stamp set for something totally different?
On another note, we finished painting the dinning area. After glazing yesterday, I realized the woodwork, in addition to being old and worn, didn't really go w/ the paint colors {too similar} so I restained the woodwork and trim. It made a huge difference, at least to me! Now, I'd like to replace the light over the table ... have you ever read the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?? That's me! I'll post some photos soon, just in case you want to see.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Loads of Joy!
It's time to begin making your cards, if you plan to send out handmade ones. Making a few cards each week will lighten the load and keep the task manageable -- especially for the unorganized like me!
Sunday, November 05, 2006

dance, dance, dance
My dear hubby stayed home to paint for me! He painted our dinning area {I hesitate to call it a "room" since there are only 3 walls!} I had originally picked out a terra cotta color for the walls, but then at the last minute, I went w/ a tan paint and chesnut glaze. I haven't had time to do the glazing yet ... that's on my chore list for this week. Gotta finish before my stampin' posse comes over on Friday.
We're also having to redo our bathroom floors. I'd love to say we're getting tile, but alas, no. However it will be nice to have a new floor down, a leaky toilet fixed {finally} and no soft spots around the tub/shower areas. That is also going on this week -- along w/ the painting -- stamp club -- and my mother coming home from rehab.
It's going to be a very busy week around the house. Maybe I'll get a few pictures posted if I don't have a nervous breakdown first {LOL - just kidding!!}
Thursday, November 02, 2006