So many people guessed correctly w/ the second photo. What does that say?? You know where all the good paper stores are located, maybe? LOL! Actually, I was quite surprised so many recognized the store in Georgetown, just outside of Washington, DC. Great job! I was hoping to publish more photos for a longer guessing game ... now I know to be more savvy in the photos that I post. I'll have to draw a name for the prize, hopefully tonight {or once I figure out what the prize will be!!}
Here is another photo anyway ... you just can't stop me!!
... we were walking to a Saturday market about 4 blocks from my sisters home in DC. My son discovered on the trip that he could take sepia toned photographs ... so guess what color all his photos are from the trip??? Yep. Sepia.

When we arrived, it was COLD and snowy. The COLD was the worst part. We left SC with 65 degree weather and arrived at my sister's in snow. Not good. Thankfully, it was only a little snow. About 2 - 3 inches at the most. By the time we left, the weather had improved to pleasantly chilly.
This is my sister and our youngest son on Wednesday night ... freezing outside. {before the sepia mode was located on the camera}
And finally, here is our sepia artist in his own vacation photo titled, appropriately: self-portrait!
Oh - and if you are wondering why I didn't take any of the photos ... well the brand-spanking new 1 gig memory card I got for Christmas didn't work!!! How's that for frustrating??
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